“It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.” — Sarah Palin, video message, Jaunary 12th, 2011 “So yes, we must examine all the fact... Read more
The freezing wind and mounting snow of the East Coast “Blizzard of 2010” raged. Travellers attempting to return home after the Christmas holiday were stranded in airports, rail stations, bus... Read more
Permission to write about The American (Anton Corbijn, 2010) as a portrayal of the future of the U.S. comes from the title. Justification comes from a correspondence between the film, specif... Read more
Let’s assume that when we think about things we do so in terms of, or relative to, what the predominating values of the moment might be. This is not an easy assumption to make at this moment... Read more
You could say also that if you amplify everything, you hear everything, but hearing everything is like seeing everything. We don’t do it. Look out the window. We select what we see and... Read more
Empty sexuality of all its narrative baggage. When at the moment a pastiche phase of “Bad Romance” resembles you and we begin to share a “mon semblable” link, a phrase – Gaga, ooh, la... Read more