For the king, the aim was to make “submission not just tolerable but actually desirable.” That enabled Mesopotamian rule to be personal and indeed dynastic. “The king was not just [...]
The new slavery is a shameful mark on our country’s pretenses to respect for human rights and the dignity of every human being, the latest chapter in a story of [...]
I worked for 2 years on Capitol Hill and 25 years for the US Environmental Protection Agency. During those 27 years I met many bureaucrats and a few Congressmen and [...]
In the weeks leading up to the recent presidential inauguration in Washington, this country and an anxious world expected many different things from what might be called, to borrow the [...]
The waiting is over, Donald Trump has hit America’s workers with the largest tax increase they have ever seen. Trump’s taxes on imports (tariffs) from Canada, Mexico, and China will [...]