Posts by category
- Category: Politics & Economics
- Our Territory is Fractal, Our Mapping Hyperreal
- Category: Economy
- Get the Hell Out of My Way
- Macbeth Had Ambition
- What is on the Horizon?
- Trying to Repair a Room in a House Still Burning
- The Final Stampede
- Anything to Salvage From the Trump Nightmare?
- Who’s in a Catch-22?
- Probabilities of Change
- The Pataphysics of Pandemic
- Dispelling the Darkness
- Vichy Democrats vs. the Master Voice
- Will There Be No Retribution?
- The Muck We’re In
- The Self-Unravelling Trump Cannot Avoid
- In the Looming Shadow of Civil War
- The Dialogue of Divisiveness
- The Battles Now
- The Mad King in His Time
- “Get Out of the President’s Way!”
- Two Roads Diverged
- Up Ahead
- What Merit in the Meritocracy?
- The Hope and Reality of Change
- Broken Lives
- Bottom-Feeders with Low Information
- Strange Alliances
- The ‘Worlding’ of the Party-less
- What to Worry About and What Not to Worry About
- The Axioms of the Other
- The Time Was and Remains Ripe for Trump, the Trumpians and the Republican Shills of Plutocrats
- Trump’s End
- Choosing the ‘Arteries that Make Money’
- The Democratic Party’s Abandoned Fronts
- What to Wonder Now
- What Happens to the Lost and the Forgotten After Trump Goes?
- It Can Happen Here
- What the Present Reveals: Probabilities
- The Winds at Their Backs
- Who Is Giving Thanks This Thanksgiving?
- They Failed Themselves
- Reaping the Whirlwind
- There’s This and There’s That: New Year’s Resolutions 2016
- ‘With Only a High School Education’: Trend Toward Dying
- Hearing the *Ping* of Poverty – or Not
- A Modest Proposal, 2014
- How the Most Dangerous Game Is Being Played
- This Mad River Overflows: Mother Nature’s Austerity Program
- The Most Dangerous Game
- Darkening the Image of American Wealth and Power
- Unions Serve the Tea: the Rage Against the Employed and the Unionized
- Why the Rich Get Richer, and Other Truth Stories
- “When the World Is Turned Upside Down and Protest Is Privatized”
- “Gekko Redux, Zuckerberg ‘Rock Star,’ and the President: Players All”
- Category: Politics
- Good Guys/Bad Guys
- Ignorant and Free Doesn’t Work
- What Can He Do?
- Who Gets Burnt in the Politics of Passion?
- Atavism in the American Mass Psyche
- Final Act
- The Timeline of Nostalgia
- Stranger From Another Planet Attends RNC 2024
- Phrases for Thought: July 4, 2024
- The Politics of La Commedia
- Sharp Transformations
- Right Now: The New Year
- Rules of Engagement
- The 77/72* Phenomenal World Divide
- Nothing Sacred
- Fractal Sites of Resistance
- Fractal Politics 2.1
- Something Far Out of the Norm is Liable to Happen
- What to Expect in Trump’s America
- Clear Markers and Dark Delusions
- What Trump and the Republican Party Teach Us
- American Failures: August, 2020
- Law & Order vs. Anarchy, Personal Freedom vs. Medical Science
- Dark Army of Enablers
- Conditions Close at Hand
- Will Things Fall Apart Now or in November?
- Post-Pandemic/Post-Trump
- A Machine to Beat President Trump
- Who’s Speaking?
- Equally Determined: To Impeach/To Support
- The Vox Populi
- A Voting Calculus
- Something Wrong
- Gaming the Climate
- Can Trump Be Beaten, Regardless?
- Trump Unbound
- Can We All Keep Ourselves From Being Crazy?
- Will Trumpism Outlive Trump?
- Tribal Justice
- Twitter: Fast Track to the Id
- The Reptilian Brain Rules Now
- Denmark First
- Who’s Guilty and of What?
- Robots Can Stand the Heat
- What the Democratic Party Should Know
- A Culture of Narcissism, a Politics of Personality
- Facts, Opinions, Tweets, Words
- The Rot Within
- Psychotocracy in a Post-Truth World
- A Post-Truth Presidency in a Post-Truth Age
- March Madness Outside the Basketball Court
- The Rough Beast We Ourselves Have Created
- The Fourth Estate vs. the Trump Regime
- A Defensive Wall Against an Illiberal Regime
- Our Political Factions: January 2017
- Upheaving the Fourth Estate
- Catastrophic Thinking as We Head to the Inauguration
- Fake News is Subjective?
- A Psycho-Politics of Implosion
- Brain Implants AND Streaming Real-Time Videos?
- Crossing the Empathy Wall
- Seething Anger in the Post-2016 Election Season
- Thoughtcrimes and Stupidspeak: Our Assault Against Words
- Über-Globalization or Über-Xenophobia?
- The New Arrangement on the Game Board of U.S. Politics
- The Politics of Crazy and Stupid
- Republic of Distraction: Trump and the Fear of Mob Rule
- Hyperdemocracy or Hypermodulation?
- Pataphysical Conditions on the Ground
- Who’s the Better Neoliberal?
- Core Beliefs and the Popular Tide
- “The `Share’ Reality of Politics, Plutocrats, and the Media”
- When Bernie Fails, Look to Trump (?)
- Scalia in Wonderland: “The Question is Whether You Can Make Words Mean So Many Different Things”
- The Reality of the Situation is Not Clear….But Trump Is
- Politics and Techno-Consciousness
- The Best Conservatism … and the Darkest
- The World Imagined by Benedict Anderson
- If [Fill in the Blank] Becomes President
- How We Ensure Our Imprisonment Within a Vicious Circle of Our Own Making
- A Politics of Stupid and How to Leave It Behind
- The Dark Politics of Not Speaking About Substantive Issues
- Gun Control, Illegal Aliens, Moochers, Planned Parenthood, Gay Marriages, “Big Brother” Government and Obama
- The Wreckage in Sight We Fail To See
- Bernie Sanders: He’s Not Black, But He May be Your Brother
- The American Middle Class: the Political Chosen People?
- Plutocracy, Gentrification and Racial Violence
- Trump Finds a Role as America’s Sovereign Citizen
- Our Millennial Age of Magic
- Fatal Eruptions on the American Scene
- At the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party, Fear Is the Entrée
- The Code of Crisis and Disaster
- The Economics of Immiseration, the Politics of Seduction
- The 2014 Elections Have Already Happened
- Dark Affinities: Liberal and Neoliberal
- “Do What Thou Wilt,” or Who Imagined Ted Cruz Into Existence?
- Three Reasons Why Politics in the US Are Doomed
- Habits of Mind and Time: From JFK to Now
- Syria: U.S. Credibility at Stake: Really?
- Illusions, War, and Profits
- An Era of Post-Truth Talk
- Ten Ways We Don’t Care For Our Children in the U.S.
- Profiling the American Electorate: 2012
- That Personally Irresponsible 47%
- The Coming Middle Ages
- “The Presidential Election Season: Envisioning the Future”
- The Liberal Psyche: Session One
- The Presidential Election Season: When Memes Rule”
- The Presidential Election Season: the Future Envisioned
- The Neoliberal/Right-wing Psyche
- The Revolution Will Not Be Televised … But There’s a LiveStream
- The New Barbarians
- The “Evils of Entitlement”
- State of the Union: Unnamable Politics and Useful Idiots
- Hold Yourself Personally Accountable
- Naturally More Stupid on Average
- Category: Popular Culture
- Prezdemic: Lines written in Quarantine
- Endless Deferment of Meaning: The Media’s Inequitable Melee of Events and Words
- Category: Film
- Once Upon a Time – Shots in the Hyperreal (on Tarantino’s New Film)
- That’s the Problem: Nothing Proves Anything
- Beatriz at Dinner: Eating Up the Whole World
- Blood Will Tell: The Purge: Election Year (2016)
- The Hateful Eight: History’s Dark Bounty
- Boyhood: When Art Is Just Winging It
- Bringing Ira Sachs’ Love Is Strange into Focus
- #Hashtag: Hunger Games Catches Fire, Audience Entertained
- Doing the American Hustle
- Captain Phillips: Colliding with the Real
- Those Thrilling Days of Yesteryear
- “So Have Things Gone”: A Place Beyond the Pines
- Pulping American Moral Exceptionalism
- The Yet Unclaimed Baggage of Robert Zemeckis’ Flight
- The Numinous Automaton
- The Artist: Mystification Beyond Artistry
- Grounded in the World after Eden
- Green Lantern
- Living Backward The Millennials’ Alice
- True Grit: Digerati Go Western? Millennials Go “Back in the Day”?
- The America Endangered in The American: A Dark Allegory
- “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds”
- Eat Pray Love : When Ruin is Not a Gift
- The Deep Morals of Inglourious Basterds
- The Dude Abides
- The Perils of Being Up in the Air
- Category: Food
- Category: Music
- Category: Sports
- Category: TV
- Category: Social Issues
- Dare to Say
- Words Written at 80
- Civics 1.1: Structures of Feeling
- Full Disclosure
- Death & Distractions
- Defunding the Paradigm
- No Strategies to Erase Damage Already Done
- A Most Profitable Marketing Frontier: the Construction of Inevitability
- Psychotic Shooters on the Open Frontier of Profit
- Beyond 140 Characters: The Devil in the Details
- Facebook Can Go Public, but Can It Build Solidarity?
- An Archaic Postmodern View of Occupy Wall Street
- Occupiers Break Through: We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For
- Choice in All Things: Consumer Financial Protection as the “Plain Vanilla Approach”
- Class Warfarin:Antidote
- Where are “The People”?
- Capturing the Millennial Demographic?
- Class Warfarin: Autopsy
- Class Warfarin: Dosage
- Class Warfarin: Hemorrhaging
- Category: Education
- The Speech of Robots
- Populist-Epistemology
- Racism Baked In
- Divisiveness and Beyond
- What We Must Do
- What is It About the the American Character?
- The Age of Misrepresentations
- The Public Mind
- First Amendment Rights and the Court of Popular Opinion
- Damage Done
- In the Post-Truth Classroom
- Riches, Racism and Recuperation
- Easy Access to the Abyss
- “SO”
- Making Sense Beyond Opinion
- What the Present Reveals: Possibilities
- The Great Unwinding of Public Education: Detroit and DeVos
- How We Reached the Point Where We Can’t Hear Each Other
- An Instinct of Destruction
- WhatsApp? Readers and Writers in a Post-Truth World
- US Higher Education: The New “Treasure Island” for Investors
- The ‘Free Exchange of Ideas’: Our New Normal
- Writing Professor Under Fire For Attack Against Republicans: On the “Free Exchange Of Ideas”
- Wealth, Culture and the Education Gap
- Our Market Regime and Public Education
- Our Market Regime and Public Education
- Waiting for “Superman”: Private Markets and Public Education
- Category: Fiction
- Category: Literature
- Category: Uncategorized
My Templates
- Time is the Fire
- Between Dog & Wolf
- Psychological Perspectives on Literature: Freudian Dissidents and Non-Freudians: A Casebook
- Psychocriticism: An Annotated Bibliography
- Get Ready to Run
- Postmodernism
- This Is a Picture and Not the World: Movies and a Post-9/11 America
- Speeding to the Millennium: Film and Culture 1993-1995
- Mots d'Ordre: Disorder in Literary Worlds
- Travels of a New Gulliver
- Dark Affinities, Dark Imaginaries: A Mind's Odyssey
- Twentieth Century Blake Criticism: Northrop Frye To The Present
- Literary Theory's Future(s)
- A Postmodern Reader
- Occupying Here & Now
- Postmodern Journeys: Film and Culture 1996-1998
- Memory's Orbit: Film and Culture 1999-2000
- Tracing Literary Theory
- Hauntings: Popular Film and American Culture 1990-1992
- A Primer to Postmodernity