Psychotic Shooters
Published on http://www.counterpunch.org/
“Each of the Republican candidates for the presidency declared last week that we should deal with school shootings by providing aggressive treatment of people with mental illness — not to alleviate the suffering of the mentally ill, but to protect other people from the mentally ill.”
Andrew Solomon, “The Myth of the `Autistic Shooter,’ The New York Times, October 12, 2015
Delusions are the belief in something that is not true. People who have delusions will continue with their delusions even when shown evidence that contradicts the delusion. That is because, like hallucinations, delusions are “irrational” — the opposite of logic and reason. Since reason does not apply to someone who has a schizophrenic delusion, arguing with it logically gets a person nowhere.
It seems possible and may be probable that the conditions that create the inequities of plutocracy break down the psychic defensive capacities of those on the wrong side of plutocracy. It may be that the surrounding conditions created by gross inequities weaken mind, body before recuperative factors of family values, a father in every home, for-profit education, mostly STEM which innovates new products and new apps, early Mozart, Christian, and Constitutional values, the urge to start a business, and gun ownership kick in. If our attention is now drawn to mass random shootings in schools, strip malls and movie theatres by the mentally ill, might it not also be drawn to the drastically changed and aberrant conditions which have transformed an egalitarian directed democracy into plutocracy?
While we are pondering this causal chain, this chain of custody and ownership, profit is already there, profit which both activates and de-activates. For instance, the economic Losers must be actively moved on from emerging prime real estate locations, from notions of job security, retirement pensions, middle class lifestyle wages, affordable college education, and, my particular interest here, mental health care beyond a fifteen minute drug management session. What must be deactivated are not only vestiges of welfare but the House’s “Freedom Caucus” wants to deactivate the Federal government itself. If such activation/deactivation goals were not being met we would not now be a plutocracy, we would not have 76% of the nation’s wealth in the hands of the top 10% and the bottom 40% with negative wealth, i.e. debt only. This warfare leaves bodies and minds devastated and savaged.
Einar Nordgaard
once again Spot ON!
Jeff Chelf
Are you sure you want to go there again.
Einar Nordgaard
Jeff Chelf yes 🙂 bring it on communists
Einar Nordgaard
@ Jeff Chelf: just like i said here come the communists again
Einar Nordgaard
you still don’t wanna see the difference
And yes Wikipedia is a very reliable source of information almost as reliable as your CIA, NSA, and FBI
Einar Nordgaard
Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales is quite clear about the uses of Wikipedia. Asked, “Do you think students and researchers should cite Wikipedia? during an interview with Business Week in 2005, he replied, “No, I don’t think people should cite it
Einar Nordgaard
get out off your chair and go into the world outside of your comfort zone do a work out, some sports and a lot of walking
klaarblijkelijk kan en wil jij het verschil tussen communisme en socialisme niet zien, laat staan weten.
Keer op keer de simplistische gedachte dat in de door jouw genoemde landen, enigerlei van socialisme aanwezig was/is geeft aan dat je niet wilt inzien dat daar simpel weg dictators aan de macht waren.
Net als dat er dictators aan de macht zijn in de landen die d.m.v. geld en materialen gesteund worden door de in jouw ogen geweldige overheden van kapitalistische landen
Einar Nordgaard
read the rest of my reply as well 🙂
Einar Nordgaard
The Netherlands, Spain, France Norway, Sweden, Italy, Portugal, Belgium,England (labour party) etc etc
all by dictatorial force 🙂
3 strikes you are out
and read the Dutch part mr. intellect
Einar Nordgaard
travel richard travel and find out
what political parties there are in all these countries
again get out of your chair and give google a rest
and do something worthwhile
we don’t have a 2 party system!
what do you know about socialisme?
by the sound of it you het annoyed and start to google
je weet er dus helemaal geen ene reet van af
zit daar maar in je stoel en denkt dat je weet wat het inhoudt
Jij hebt een oordeel over iets waar je verdomde weinig van af weet
laat staat dat je het hebt mee gemaakt
Einar Nordgaard
jij bent degene die totaal niet open staat om in te zien dat socialisme totaal iets anders is dat dat jij bent aangeleerd.
Het probleem zit ‘m in het feit dat jij
a: geen onderscheid kan maken tussen socialisme en een totalitair regime
b: opgegroeid in een land waar het woord socialisme gelijk staat aan een enge ziekte
c: je in een land woont waar geeste zieken mensen president kunnen en mogen worden, kijk maar een naar de republikeinse kandidaten.
dit alles heeft er to geleid dat jouw kijk op socialisme en het verspreiden van welvaart er één is die als sinds de jaren 70 niet meer van toepassing is en voornamelijk tot frustratie leidt.
het socialisme dat jij aanhaalt zijn voornamelijk totalitaire regimes die zolang het de VS aanstaat duur de VS gesteund worden. Zodra het de vs niet meer aanstaat verziinen ze van alles om het land binnen te vallen dan wel de oppositie wapens en geld te geven zodat er wederom een oorlog ontstaat.
ik ben geboren en getogen in Amsterdam
Einar Nordgaard
Do the American people freely go to into war every other year?
instead of spending their money on real issues
All you are saying is that the US fights / pays for every single war on a, in your opinion, socialistic way (taxes)
wtf Richard Human Rights explain that to all the blacks in the Shameless us
Your property is forcibly confiscated, for the benefit of others. Unless you are the “other”, in which case you are a leech, living off others. EHHHH living off others.
You are broke!!
Einar Nordgaard
GOVERNMENT: knock – knock
Richard: What do you want?
GOVERNMENT: We want your excess wealth. to start another war just for making money.
(Richard reaches into his pocket and pays the government man holding an M16)
Where is your definition of the capitalism you love, Richard? Where?
Einar Nordgaard
but… the Kingdom of the Netherlands beat Chinese Taipei 7-4. 🙂
Einar Nordgaard
Einar Nordgaard
Einar Nordgaard
what a very social way of spending tax money
you just got love it 🙂
you want another example of capitalism:
Einar Nordgaard
Einar Nordgaard
And he made less
by reasons you will never understand
Einar Nordgaard
and why those Caps all the time
Are prescription glasses too expensive in the us?
Einar Nordgaard
btw what are you ranting about? wrong wiki page again?
Do the Dutch people FREELY give up 2, 10, 42, and 52% of their income to the state? where did you get those percentages, dick cheney, or where they lying next to WMD?
Einar Nordgaard
Only dictatorial government can violate your God given ??
“God” come on Richard don’t even
Einar Nordgaard
why should I talk about a none existing “person”
Einar Nordgaard
hoogte verzamelinkomen maar inkomen niet hoger dan belastingtarief
– € 19.822 36,5%
€ 19.822 € 33.589 42%
€ 33.589 € 57.585 42%
€ 57.585 – 52%
and it is progressive income tax
Einar Nordgaard
So it wasn’t dick cheney, or George W. Bush that started the Iraq War is was GOD in who you trust
sorry my bad
Einar Nordgaard
and a tax rebate on mortgage interest of max 51%